Mobile World Congress

24 March 2023

Astrid Camprubí, CEO of OMMA: “The Data System no longer depends on the US”

Europe wants to break into the data market and be a strong competitor to the American monopoly.

The Mobile World Congress, which closes its doors today, has served to confirm that this edition has reflected on the great general change that is expected in the near future. Beyond the new models that are being presented again and have already been presented at other fairs, Barcelona has been the center of in-depth technological debate. One of the aspects that most concerns companies today is the treatment of data and how to manage all the information they have.

A success case in this aspect is the Catalan company OMMA, selected as one of the start-ups of reference in this European field, which will soon participate in an exclusive stage in Tel Aviv. Astrid Camprubí, CEO of OMMA, explains why the data field is at the center of everything: “Lately there are many initiatives in the field of data, but you have to apply quality, structure them and draw conclusions that can have a positive impact on many levels. Misusing data, especially personal data, can be for bad, but also for good. We are positive natives and we like to think about people’s ethics. Companies, in recent years, increasingly generate more data and allow automating sales or production processes, among others. We are born to put filters on things and give quality to the data that do not allow us to stop the daily activity”.

Competition between continents

From here, Mobile also highlights how Europe has advanced very quickly in this field and wants to be a clear competitor, with its companies, of others coming from America or Asia: “It makes a difference to us that, before, the solutions that were on the market to detect problems came from large American corporations that required very high initial investments that drove out small and medium-sized companies; they were also extremely complex to adopt the tool; and they were tools that worked once they entered the data ‘pool’, very mixed already with the exploitation and analysis that would have to have been done,” concludes Camprubí.

OMMA is a Data Quality platform built natively with Big Data and Cloud technologies, and with an Artificial Intelligence engine for anomaly detection and user support. It aims to provide a quality framework to be able to apply quality on both data in motion (date in motion) and at rest (date at ristre). This start-up is one of the first solutions to address the problem of data quality at any point in its lifecycle, from the ingestion and transformation processes to its storage for consumption. In addition, it is one of the few native solutions to Big Data i Cloud, which allows it to work with massive data sources, batch processes and in real time.

OMMA’s business model is based on pay-per-use. Its objective is that both small and large companies can make use of the platform, with a cost model that scales with the volume of data processed. In terms of turnover, in the last six months they have reached 280K/€ and closed six global accounts in the Pharma, entertainment, press and human resources sectors. Data quality improvement has increased by 89% and business impact already stands at 15% and 25% of annual revenue on average.

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